We play Dodgeball this way:
Dodgeball Rules
At the start of the whistle (or flat ball hits the ground) both teams run towards the balls that are placed in the center line of the play area. Once balls are obtained (we use hands or feet.) They are not considered in play until both teams get behind the designated safe zone. (The free throw line for us.) This prevents getting people out quickly at the beginning of the game. (It makes for a lame game.) This also allows time for some quick strategy also.
The court:
(we found this fenced in basketball court that barely gets used. It helps with not having to chase after balls, and the balls sometimes bounce back to people that threw them in the first place.)
Winning: You win by getting everybody from the opposing team "OUT"
You get people out by throwing a "Live/Active" ball at them and hitting them directly in any part of the body. Unless they "Block" it with a ball they are holding.
A "LIVE" ball is considered as a ball thrown (one handed or two) it's considered "dead" if it hits the floor, another ball, or wall first.
Blocking means you stop a live ball from hitting you with a ball in your possession. Once you block a "live" ball it is considered "dead"
If the Blocker drops the ball they are holding while blocking a "live" ball they are considered out. (I call it dropping your shield, or dropping your balls.)
(We avoid headshots and crotch shots, but shit happens…MAN UP! Once they happen they happen. We haven't called any fouls yet but if we have to we will.)
If a "Live" ball is caught the person who originally threw the ball is out, and a the team that caught the ball gets to have one of their "Jailed" team-mates back in the game. (Usually by order of who got out first.)
(So if Person A throws to B, B Catches it, A is out and B gets to have a player from his team back in that was jailed.)
If nobody is in jail nothing happens.
If a person on Team A hits multiple people On Team B with a "Live" ball and nobody catches every person that was touched by the ball is considered out. However if anybody from Team B catches that ball at any point the person from Team A is considered out. This is considered as "Badass" and should be treated as such.
Once you are out you run to the opposing side behind the designated "Jail" area. Your team at this point can lob balls at you so you can start hitting people from behind the designated "jail area" (We use the out of bounds lines for the basketball court. You can grab any balls that roll in your direction. You can't step over the "jail line" Reaching over the line however is allowed.
Same "Live Ball rules apply. If you try to get someone out while in jail and they catch a ball one of their teammates gets to come back from your teams jail.
The game continues until the entire opposing team is out.
Switch Sides every game (so just stay on the side that your on at the end of the game.)
Points: (if you want to keep track)
Each game is a round, 3, 5, or 9 rounds with point totals for total team victory.
Every round won is 1 point.
Rules are subject to change. I mean come on we aren't dicks. Have fun!
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